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Retrieve Documents Electronically, Reduce Paper and Storage

Access, search, edit and approve documents, securely share & collaborate on files as well as assigning tasks, managing workload and creating workflows without any IT intervention

Document Management Software

How much time does your staff spend looking for business-critical documents before locking them down and carrying out an intended task? Or maybe your staff fails to find these documents at all, and abandons the task altogether. Isn’t there a better way?

Flexible Document Storage Solutions for SMEs

The True Cost of a Filing Cabinet?

Have you ever wondered how much your business spends a year on document storage? Filing cabinets have become a member of the furniture for many SME’s over the years, taking up valuable space and costing money.

Growing businesses are now adopting a paperless approach by using a Document Management System to streamline processes and increase staff productivity, removing the need for filing cabinets.

It’s estimated that about 60% of business documents are still paper based, so access to information takes longer than it needs to. 

According to research group Gartner – “One of biggest hidden costs businesses face is the time it takes to work with paper files”. They continue to say that – “If it takes an employee five minutes to walk to the filling room, locate the file, act on it, re-file and return to their desk. At just four files per day that shoots up to 86 hours per year, or over five weeks’ at a cost of about £2,000 – and that’s just one employee.

At ten files per day and two employees, this rockets to 432 hours per year, or over ten weeks’ at a cost of £10,000.

As a preferred Xerox Docushare and Filestar supplier, MPS Professional Services provides a FREE no-obligation Document Management assessment and demonstration to see how document management software can help your business.

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